The Chemical Biology and Molecular Biophysics Program in
Drug Discovery and Biotechnology
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Faculty as Supervisor

The CBMB faculty on the list can take a student(s).
Chinese Name English Name Research Note
安形高志 Takashi Angata Glycobiology
陳榮傑 Rong-Jie Chein Organic synthesis, asymmetric catalysis, drug discovery
陳光超 Guang-Chao Chen Molecular and Cellular Signaling Autophagy
陳佩燁 Rita P.-Y. Chen Protein Chemistry, Alzheimer's disease, prion, antimicrobial peptide
陳緯 Wei Chen Nanomedicine, Biomedical Engineering, Drug Delivery, Chemistry, Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Immunology, and Biology Can take students from 114 academic year
陳玉如 Yu-Ju Chen Analytical and physical chemistry; biochemical and biotechnological applications of mass spectrometry; structure elucidation and unimolecular dissociation mechanisms of bio macromolecules
陳韻如 Yun-Ru Ruby Chen Protein misfolding and neurodegenerative diseases
鄭偉杰 Wei-Chieh Cheng Organic chemistry, natural product-inspired combinatorial chemistry, modulation of sugar-processing enzymes, drug discovery
朱忠瀚 John Chu While natural products have and continue to inspire the design of new drugs, we see them more broadly as part of the chemical language of nature, whose function could help us better understand how living organisms communicate with each other and interact with the environment. My research group takes unconventional approaches towards natural product discovery and the study of their bio- and chemical syntheses.
黃人則 Joseph Jen-Tse Huang Protein misfolding in neurodegenerative diseases, Nanomedicine, Molecular probe development
邱繼輝 Kay-Hooi Khoo Mass Spectrometry based Protein Glycosylation Analysis, Glycomics, and Glycobiology
賴品光 Charles Lai Bionanotechnology, molecular bioimaging, extracellular vesicles (e.g. exosomes, microvesicles), gene therapy, cell-to-cell communication, pharmacokinetics.
李賢明 Hsien-Ming Lee Controlled-release of liposome for advanced drug delivery; biochemical applications of novel luminescence materials including upconversion nanoparticle and photosensitizers; Protein / enzyme engineering.
李永凌 Yungling Leo Lee Adaptive Immunity, Omics and Precision Medicine, Antigen Presenting Cells, Vaccine Development. Can take students from 114 academic year
梁博煌 Po-Huang Liang Kinetics, mechanisms, and inhibitors of enzymes; anti-cancer drug discovery targeting protein-protein interactions; cellulose/hemicellulose degrading enzymes for biofule production
林俊成 Chun-Cheng Lin Carbohydrate synthesis, antibody modification, and glyan and protein microarray
林俊宏 Chun-Hung Lin Drug discovery, Glycoscience, Gut micribiota, Metabolomics
林曉青 Hsiao-Ching Lin Natural Product Biosynthesis
林國儀 Kuo-I Lin
  1. Study of the mechanisms underlying immune cell development and effector functions, with an emphasis on post-translational modifications
  2. Development of antibodies for disease therapy
凌嘉鴻 Steven Lin Genome engineering of human immune cells
林宛蓁 Wan-Chen Lin We develop chemical, optogenetic, and other genetically-encoded tools to unlock the mystery of neurotransmission in the brain.
林琬琬 Wan-Wan Lin Innate immunity, Cell death, Inflammation, Macrophage, Protein kinase, Signal transduction.
馬徹 Che Alex Ma Structure and function of membrane proteins and glycoproteins; drug discovery research in drug-resistant bacterial and viral infections, universal vaccines and cancers.
謝俊結 Jiun-Jie Shie Organic synthesis, chemical biology and drug discovery: We are interested in using organic chemistry as chemical tools to study and address in biology.
徐麗芬 Lie-Fen Shyur Natural medicine; Cancer pharmacology; Industrial enzyme biotechnology; Metabolomics
陳子福 Choo Hock Tan Venom proteomics; Multi-omics; Venom protein structure and function; Biomedical application of snake venom proteins and toxins. Can take students from 114 academic year
魏子堂 Tzu-Tang Thomas Wei Inflammation and cancer; induced pluripotent stem cells; vascular diseases; drug discovery and development.
王正中 Cheng-Chung Wang Carbohydrate Chemistry
王群超 Chun-Chao Wang Cancer, gene expression, signaling network, biomedical engineering, systems biology, and quantitative cell biology. Can take students from 114 academic year
王彥士 Yane-Shih Wang Expanding genetic codes, protein chemistry, protein polyhetero-Ub/SUMO modifications, biocatalysis and protein drug discovery.
翁瑞霞 Jui‐Hsia Weng My focus is to investigate and manipulate the innate immune systems using chemical biology, and to develop lead compounds and protein drugs against inflammatory disorders.
吳青錫 Ching-Shyi Wu To understand the mechanisms by which DNA damage response is controlled to prevent genome instability.
楊鎧鍵 Kai-Chien Yang Molecular mechanisms underlying cardiac regeneration and organ fibrosis
姚季光 Chi-Kuang Yao My lab is fascinated by the mechanisms underlying the complicated yet organized cellular crosstalks in the nervous system.
俞聖法 Sheng-Fa Steve Yu Metallo-enzymes and bio-mimetics for catalytic conversions of hydrocarbons; physiological roles of iron-sulfur complexes in transcriptional factors from Prokaryotic systems.
游景晴 Ching-Ching Yu Carbohydrate Chemistry, Glycobiochemistry, Glycobiology, Enzymology. Can take students from 114 academic year
Chinese Name English Name Research Note
陳瑞華 Ruey-Hwa Chen Protein folding and misfolding; mechanism and prevention of prion formation; therapy of Alzheimer's disease.
冀宏源 Hung-Yuan Chi DNA damage and Repair
Genome stability and Cancer
何孟樵 Meng-Chiao Joseph Ho CryoEM, protein crystallography, glycan binding protein for diagnosis, plant submergence responses, DNA repair machinery
謝佳龍 Chia-Lung Hsieh Molecular dynamics in live cells by advanced optical microscopy
徐尚德 Sheng-Te Danny Hsu Integrative structural biology focusing on the functional dynamics of biomedically important protein targets, including coronavirus spike proteins. Tools include cryo-EM, NMR, crystallography, SAXS, MS and molecular modeling to help glean insights into the structural basis of functional regulations.
黃至正 Chih-Cheng Huang Nanomagnetism and Bioelectronics, MagnetoBiology. Can take students from 114 academic year
林耿慧 Keng-Hui Lin Physical Cell Biology
林世昌 Su-Chang Lin To unravel the signaling mechanisms in immune responses and tumor development by the reconstitution of the signaling complexes and subsequent structural and functional studies.
史有伶 Yu-Ling Shih Metabolic regulation of bacterial growth and division
Cell wall synthesis and cell shape
Host-pathogen interactions
涂熊林 Hsiung-Lin Tu Surface Physical and Materials Chemistry, Chemical and Systems Biology
吳昆峯 Kuen-Phon Wu Structural mechanism of protein ubiquitination involved in human diseases; structural biology and protein chemistry.
楊維元 Wei-Yuan Yang Autophagy, Organelle damage responses, Cell imaging, Optogenetics
嚴欣勇 Hsin-Yung (Jason) Yen Investigating the structural dynamics and mechanisms of membrane proteins using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry